guiding you to release the grip of chronic pain

Stress Management & Historical Trauma Specialist
Chronic Pain Management
Chronic pain is any pain – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, it’s all the same to the brain sending the signal ‘it hurts’ – that is felt for 15 days out of 30 for three months or more.
Recovery Coaching
Elizabeth is in long term recovery, is a certified yoga teacher, and graduate of Tommy Rosen’s Recovery 2.0 Coach Program. She has been extensively trained by Tommy and the other teachers he brings into this recovery coaching program.
Ancestral Clearing®
The Way Through Chronic Pain Book
This book is for chronic pain sufferers and those who care for them: doctors, nurses, family members, and friends. It offers proven techniques to clear pain and live a life free from suffering, from a former chronic pain sufferer who searched the globe for answers—and found them.

About Elizabeth
Recovery Coach & Ancestral Clearing ® Practitioner
Elizabeth Kipp is a long time seeker of truths with a foot each in the spiritual and scientific worlds. Her life experiences and training enable her to bridge the gap between the two.
Now in recovery from both chronic pain and addiction to prescription medication, Elizabeth is a health facilitator, Addiction Recovery Coach, Ancestral Clearing® Practitioner and trauma-trained yoga teacher helping people to step into the power of their own healing. She has turned her attention as a patient advocate in service to the alarmingly high population of people who suffer from or are in recovery from chronic pain, and to those who are in recovery and are also suffering from chronic pain.
Do you feel overwhelmed by the stress in your life?
Do the aches and pains of day-to-day pull you into chronic pain?

Chronic pain is any pain: physical, emotional, or spiritual – it’s all the same to the brain sending a signal “I hurt”- that is felt 15 days out of 30 for three months or more.
You don’t have to suffer. Our body wants to heal; it has great healing power. We simply need to give our body the information it needs and get out of the way. You can live in a place of empowerment and responsibility around your well-being and beyond suffering and love a thriving life.
Elizabeth has lived a lifetime or chronic pain and has successfully moved beyond it.
Unleash your own healing power in a session with Elizabeth.