Here is an American Thanksgiving forgiveness prayer…
Creator, with all that You are, we thank You for showering us with Your love.
We humbly ask for us and all our ancestors through all space, time, dimension, realms, and lifetimes…
For all the times we were starving and shivering, ruthlessly exposed to the elements,
and found compassionate neighbors who opened their homes, larders, and hearts to us, we are so grateful.
Any time any of us took the hospitality of others and turned our backs on those who provided it,
for the times we were consumed with fear and greed and acted on these impulses with violence of any kind – in thought, word, or deed – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For all the times any of us passed on diseases to others, whether knowingly or unknowingly,
and all the pain and suffering that followed it – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For all the times we had any hand, whether directly or indirectly, in deception, injustice, violence, genocide –
and for all that arose in the lineages of everyone touched by these acts – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For all the times any of us looked out in horror at what our own kind was inflicting onto others,
especially indigenous people, people of color, people or ethnicity not like ours – cheating, stealing, killing – seeing that our original good intentions of living together peacefully and in harmony had gone terribly wrong, and for all we made it mean about them, others, or ourselves especially around shame and guilt… Please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For all the acts of hegemony we inflicted on others and acts of hegemony that were inflicted on us –
and all that followed in our lineages because of these acts – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For all the times any of us had any hand in destroying the lives, livelihood, resources, or culture of others.
Please help us all to forgive one another and ourselves.
Please and thank You.
Please help us recognize these deeply traumatizing wounds, acknowledge them, and work diligently toward healing and reconciliation.
Please and thank You.
Please help us to remember that ‘the other is you’ and the Divine Spark in each and everyone of us.
Please and thank You.
Please help us to release one another and ourselves of these burdens, these karmas, so that we may realize our highest potential, as individuals, as a community, and as a collective.
Please and thank You.
Please help us to hear one another, and to learn from one another – earnestly and sincerely.
Please and thank You.
Please help us to see one another as You see us – with pure love.
Now and forever.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Ancestral Clearing is a complementary healing modality pioneered by Howard Wills and developed and taught by John Newton.