Ancestral Clearing to Clear Confusion and to Reawaken to Your True Self

Here is an Ancestral Clearing prayer to clear confusion and reawaken to your true Self:

Oh Creator, Divine Spirit, Higher Power, Great Father, Great Mother – You are known to us by so many names and You are One. We love You and we thank You for ever holding us in Your light and love. We ask humbly to please continue to shower us with Your grace. We ask for all ourselves and all of our ancestors and relations through all time, space, dimension, and all realms:

For all the times we felt overwhelmed by events, decrees, actions, and statements of state, religious orders, educational and health care institutions, and any authorities;

for the times we were misled, not told the truth, and for the times when we were in disbelief over what we heard and had to succumb to in order to survive or ensure that our families and loved ones survived, and for anything that arose from these situations, please help us all to forgive anyone involved in this, others forgive us for times we did this to them, and help us all to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.

For the times we experienced the breakdown of civility, for any bullying and heavy-handedness,

for times of distress and chaos in our country, tribe, village, community, family, and within ourselves, please help us all to forgive anyone involved in this, help them to forgive us for whatever our part was in it, and help us all to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.

For the times we walked in darkness, searching for the light and fell into despair that we would never find it,

forgetting that it was always in us if we would only remember to look and presence ourselves to it, and for the times we turned our backs on You, Divine Spirit, as a result – please help us all to forgive each other and ourselves, and please forgive us. Please and thank You.

Please help us to all release our attachment to outside distractions and not become lost in them, but instead reawaken to the eternal brilliance of the light within us.

Please help us to remember that the “other is you” and that we are each a reflection of an aspect of each other and You.
Please help us to see that what is here for us in this moment is perfect and as You have so deemed it to be, that You are The Doer, and let us be at peace with all of it.

Please help us remember to bow to each and every one of Your blessings and surrender gratefully to Your will.

Please help us make decisions and speak with clarity, kindness, charity, and illumination.
Please help us to always remember our connection to You, Divine Spirit, and realize our true nature, the love we are, and our inextricable and interwoven link into the great Wheel of Life.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
For a private one-on-one Ancestral Clearing session, click here.
With gratitude to Howard Wills and John Newton for developing the Ancestral Clearing practice.
Here is an Ancestral Clearing prayer to clear confusion and reawaken to your true Self:

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