Here is an Ancestral Clearing for storms of all kinds.
Creator, Oneness, Higher Power, Holy Father, Mother Mary, Shiva, Spirit, Infinite, Divine Energy —
You are known by many names. You are One. We thank You for the countless blessings you endlessly shower upon us. We ask humbly, for us and all our ancestors, through all realms, all space, all times:
For all that we withstood from wind, rain, and lightning, and for the fear these powerful Earth forces struck deeply into the core of our very being…
fearing for our children and other loved ones and fearing for our very lives, for the times others projected their fears onto us or our loved ones, and for the times we blamed You for this – please help us to forgive each other and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For all that happened from storms –
damage of any kind, whether it was to our houses, our food supply, our fresh water supply, access to roads and bridges, and for the damage we felt to our sense of worth when we lost so much to the storm; for the times we cried out, “How will I ever go on from here?” and for the times we lost faith – in each other, ourselves, and in You, Higher Power – please help us all to forgive one another and ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For the times we withstood any kind of psychological or psychic storms, through aggression of any kind –
bullying, hexes or curses, fighting, wars and holocausts, and for all the suffering anyone touched by these events felt or caused, whether knowingly or unknowingly – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For any time we were unable to find shelter from the storm,
whatever kind it was, and for the heartache and fear we felt as a result; for any injury, disease, or death that came about because of the storm; for any meaning we made of the fallout from the storm around despair, sorrow, resentment, or hard-heartedness in our own lives – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For the times we were devastated by a storm and saw how our neighbors also suffered, and we were unable to help
because we had lost so much ourselves, and for all we made this inability mean about ourselves and the availability of abundance in our lives; for the times we forgot You, Higher Power – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
BOOK HERE for a private Ancestral Clearing session.
Ancestral Clearing is an energy healing practice that complements any other healing modality. Howard Wills pioneered it, and John Newton further developed and offers it, including practitioner training.