Ancestral Clearing for the Lost and Abandoned

Here is an Ancestral Clearing for the lost and abandoned.

Infinite One, Creator, Higher Power, Great Spirit, Holy Father, Divine Mother –

You are known by many names, and You are One. Through Your grace, we carry the spirit of those who have gone, those who are here, and those who are coming. We carry the challenges and the burdens of our lineage. We humbly ask, for us and all our ancestors through all space, time, dimensions, realms, and lifetimes:

For the times we were lost or abandoned by those who cared for us.

Please help us all to forgive everyone involved in this and help us all forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.

For the times the children were taken from parents or other caretakers through force or other injustice, and all that arose from this

– please help us all to forgive each other and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.

For the sense of powerlessness we felt as any of us were lost to our loved ones,

for the heartache and grief we felt, and for all we made such losses mean about ourselves, others, life, and even You, Higher Power – please help us all to forgive one another and to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.

For any time we lost loved ones to battle, war, or holocaust, and all that followed after these losses

– please help us all to forgive one another and ourselves – for all that happened, no matter what it was.
Please and thank You.

For all the times we said goodbye to a loved one for the day and never saw them or heard from them again; for all suicides and all that followed as a result.

Please help us all to forgive each other and forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Ancestral Clearing is a complementary energy healing modality pioneered by Howard Wills and further developed and taught by John Newton.
Book a private Ancestral Clearing session with Elizabeth HERE.

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