Here is an Ancestral Clearing for the New Year.
Creator, all that You are, we thank You for the bountiful blessings you provide us. We ask humbly and gratefully for us and all our relationships and our ancestors and all their relationships throughout all space, time, dimension, lives, lifetimes, and incarnations:
For all injury and transgression –
physical, mental, emotional, sexual, financial, or spiritual, in thought, word, or action of us to others and us to others, knowingly or unknowingly. For any time we were out of integrity with one another or ourselves – please help us all forgive one another and ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For any unfinished business,
for the times we weren’t able to say goodbye, for any unresolved resentment, bitterness, or grudges, and for everything that led up to and arose from these issues. For any time we were tongue-tied or felt pressure from others, from family members, friends, or colleagues; for the times we lost our sense of personal power; and for any time the trust was broken, for any betrayal, and for the times we no longer trusted ourselves – please help us to forgive and release one another and forgive and release ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For all war, battle, holocaust, genocide, persecution, oppression,
or any other misuse of power, times we were driven from our homeland, lost of ancestral ceremonies, healing rituals, and other traditions, for all struggle as a refugee, times we were shunned and excluded, for the times we lost our loved ones, and for all survivor’s guilt – please help us all to forgive one another and forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For secrets and any time we weren’t able to come clean and clear the air around resentments,
hard feelings, inappropriate behavior, and any other animosity; for suppression, repression, and any time we fell into depression, debilitating fear, and any unprocessed grief; for any time we turned to ways to numb out and not feel anything at all totally; and for any addiction or mental illness that followed – please help us all to forgive and release one another and release ourselves for all that happened and all we made it mean about each other, ourselves, life, and even You, Creator.
Please and thank You.
Please help us to move out of and reach beyond the ancient cycle of trauma
and into a worldwide consciousness of reconciliation, social justice, sustainable peace, and healing. Please help us heal all the wounds we carry around the illusion of separation. Please help us to balance the mind and the heart. Please help us hear and heed the calling of the heart. Please help us love one another and ourselves.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
For a private Ancestral Clearing session, BOOK HERE.
Ancestral Clearing is an energy modality that was pioneered by Howard Wills and further developed and taught by John Newton.