Ancestral Clearing Prayer for the Divine Feminine Rising

Here is an Ancestral Clearing Prayer for the Divine Feminine Rising:

Higher Power, Creator, Divine Mother, Ma, Spider Woman, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Kali, Mary Magdalene, Brigid, Lakshmi, Quan Yin, Devi, All That Is – You go by many names and You are One – we thank you for the many blessings You shower upon us. Thank You for loving us. We ask humbly, for all our ancestors through all time, space, dimensions, realms, lives, lifetimes, and incarnations:

For all the times we were robbed of our innocence, our vulnerability compromised and left in ruins, our voices silenced, and when we allowed our power to be stolen from us; for any and all transgressions against us and times we transgressed against others – please help us all to forgive one another for whatever happened, and for all that arose in the lineage because of these events; help us all forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.

For all the times we naturally moved into our creativity and our power and were pushed down, rubbed out, made to feel inadequate, demeaned, devalued, made to feel utterly insignificant –  and for the times we believe these things to be true of us or others. Please help us all to forgive one another and ourselves. Please and thank You.

For the times our breasts ran dry of precious milk for our children, for the times we returned from the fields empty-handed, for the times we couldn’t find the medicines needed to help heal our loved ones, and for all the suffering that ensued because of these things and all that arose in the lineage as a result – please help us all forgive each other and forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.

For the times the men were jealous of our powers to birth life and for the times they took it out on us and the children, and for any of these fits of rage that passed down the lineage – please help us all forgive each other and ourselves – for all of it, no matter what. Please and thank You.

For all sexual abuse, times we and our families were pillaged and disgraced, times we had our very homes and the shirts off our backs taken from us; for the times we had to lead our community to new land and lost our way and for all the people we saw perish along the way – please help us all forgive one another and ourselves, and please forgive us for any time we turned our backs on You. Please and thank You.

For all the times of difficulty and loss in childbearing and birthing; for all the times we felt incapable to be the mothers, sister, aunts, wives, grandmothers, midwives, healers, friends, and companions we knew we had been made to be, and for anyone who contributed to this – please help us all to forgive each other and ourselves. Please and thank You.

For all the times we felt out of balance with You and felt we lost our way as we tried to regain our grounding with You, for the times we took without asking, or others took from us without asking, for any time any of us or our children disrespected You or any of Your creations – please help us all to forgive each other and ourselves. Please and thank You.

For the times we fought with our own inner child, were unable to connect to our inner power nor reach our potential, and for the times we lost our humility, and so fell short in integrating ourselves and maturing into wholeness – please help us all to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.

Please help us all to find unity within and radiate it out to the rest of the world. Help us through our forgiveness to know the liberation of our entire lineage and pass that vibration out to all our descendants. Please and thank You. Help us to see each other and ourselves through Your eyes. Help us find peace with one another and ourselves. Help us to release the shackles of the past, rise up in our full radiance, and take our rightful place in the world. Help us love one another and ourselves. Now and forever.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.


Read more about Ancestral Clearing and how it can help you here.

Ancestral Clearing Prayer for the Divine Feminine Rising

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