Here is an ancestral clearing prayer for clearing negativity.
Oh Creator, Divine Spirit, Infinite One ~ we thank You for all the blessings You have so freely given us and for showering us always with Your love. We love You. We ask You please, for us and all our ancestors, through all space, dimension, and all realms –
For all the times we suffered and were disappointed, and for the times we caused suffering and disappointment, whether knowingly or unknowingly – please help us all to forgive each other, be forgiven, and forgive ourselves. Please and thank You. For all the blows, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, received or given, for any ill will, mistreatment, or neglect done to us or us done to others – please help us all to forgive one another, and forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For any and all tears we cried, for the times when our dreams became lost to us, for any time we lost hope altogether, and for any time we turned our backs to You, Divine Spirit, because of what happened – please help us all to forgive each other, be forgiven, and forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For any betrayals, lying, slander, acts of deceit and manipulation, against us or us against another, down through the entire lineage – please help us all to forgive each other, be forgiven, and forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For all persecution, for any time those in authority over us misused their power, and for any hatred that arose around it or because of it – please help us all to forgive each other, be forgiven for the times we did any of these things to others, and to forgive ourselves. Please help us to release any burden or guilt or shame around any and all of this. Please and thank You.
We ask Your help in uplifting us as we ask for help in releasing all the negativity we have carried for so long. Please help us all to release and forgive one another and ourselves, no matter what happened. Please help us to transform the pain of revenge and resentment into understanding and compassion. Please help us to transcend the grip of fury, anger, and discontentment with enduring love, for each other and ourselves. Please help us feel and realize fully Your eternal love for us, and help us to feel this for others, ourselves, and You, Divine Spirit, now and forever.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Read more about ancestral clearing and how it can help you here.
#Ancestral Clearing Prayer
2 Responses
Thank you god for releasing all my ancestral pain and putting forgiveness in my heart I thank you and praise you god I give you control of my life & I believe in you always you are my rock & I thank you always with love jean
Blessings, Jean, and thank you.