Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Self-Compassion

Here is an ancestral clearing prayer for self-compassion.

Oh Great Mother, Great Father, Great Divine Spirit – from Alpha to Omega, anything and everything and everywhere that You are, were and always will be – we thank You for Your light and for Your light that lives within us. We thank You for the gifts of Your bountiful blessings upon us. We thank You for showering us with Your unending love and through You, making it possible for us to love ourselves, others, and You. We come to you in gratitude and with our hearts open that You will hear our pleas. For us and all of our ancestors, parents, grandparents – all relations, through all time, space, dimension and all realms:

For those times when we felt pushed by others to be a certain way, times our very identities were forced upon us by others, times we did this to another, and times we fell silent about all of it, feeling our throats close up and our hearts weighed down so heavily in the process – please help us to forgive ourselves for not being able to stand in our power, forgive others involved and forgive You, Divine Spirit, for any time we felt that You turned Your back on us. Please and Thank You.

For times when we felt pressured to wear a mask over who we truly were, shrank and contracted away from who we felt we came here to be, for the times when we caused this to happen in others, knowingly or unknowingly, and for the times we felt completely powerless to change this in ourselves – please help us forgive each other and to forgive ourselves. Please and Thank You.

For the times we suppressed and held onto feelings, so that they were pent up in us; for the times we were discouraged from, weren’t allowed to, or were forbidden to speak out and express how we really felt; for the times we felt ourselves turn to stone inside as a result of not being able to express ourselves; for the times we bit back or even choked on our own words, for fear of the consequences to others and to ourselves – and for all of the times we in turn caused such things in others –  please help us to forgive each other, and help us to forgive ourselves. Please and Thank You.

For the times we felt ourselves locked away from expressing our true self and were unable or unwilling to be true to our hearts, times we hid our true self under a façade, for the times we hid expression even in our eyes, so as to keep from revealing our soul to the world – and for the consequences to our lives that arose because of such concealment; for any time that our actions caused anyone else to feel these things and be so affected – please help us all to forgive all of those involved, forgive ourselves, and forgive You, Divine Spirit, for feeling that we had turned our backs on You, or that You had forsaken us. Please and Thank You.

For all of the times we couldn’t cry or cry out for fear of being judged as weak or in any other way, and for those times when there just wasn’t any time to cry or express our outcry at events around us because we were just too busy trying to survive it all; for all of those time when we felt utterly overwhelmed by life itself, to the point of giving up on another, ourselves, life, and even You, Divine Spirit – please help us all to forgive each other, help us to forgive ourselves, and forgive You, Divine Spirit, for any role we felt you played in any of this. Please and Thank You.

Please help us to forgive each other, and ourselves – completely and without reservation – for all that happened, no matter what happened. Please and Thank You.

Please help us blend love, gratitude, and compassion – for each other and ourselves, together as a deeply healing elixir. Help us realize our ultimate potential of who we came here to be and birth into the fullness of who we truly are. Focus Your great light within us and give us the courage to shine it upon the shadows. Bring Your reign of unity to us now and guide us to effect such unity among all of us – now and forever.

Please and Thank You.

Please and Thank You.

Please and Thank You.


Read more about ancestral clearing and how you can benefit from it here.

#AncestralClearing Prayer

Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Self-Compassion
Prayer for Forgiveness and Self-Compassion

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