Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Hurricanes, Fires, and Earthquakes

This is an Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Hurricanes, Fires, and Earthquakes. I offer this prayer to help clear the burden we carry from past hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes so that we may have clarity for the present and be better able to rise to current challenges.

Higher Power, God, Divine Mother, Holy Father, Great Spirit, Infinite Oneness, Source of All That Is – You are known by many names and You are One. We thank You for the many blessings You shower upon us. We thank You for Your eternal and unending love. We ask You, for ourselves and our ancestors, through all space, time, all dimensions, realms, spheres, and dominions, and all lifetimes and incarnations:

For all the times we withstood the might and force of hurricane winds, driving rains, pressure gradient changes, accompanying tornadoes, storm surge, and flooding – please help us all to forgive anyone we hold responsible for this furious weather; help us all to forgive ourselves, and to forgive You for any part we felt You played in any of this.

Please and thank You.

For all the times we were caught in fires, whether through natural or manmade events, and for all the driving forces of wind and heat created by them, and for the fear that rose up in us just to witness these events. Please help us all to forgive one another and ourselves for our part in these. Please help us all to forgive You, Higher Power, for blaming You for any of it, and for any times we turned our backs on You because of it.

Please and thank You.

For all those times when we suffered damage to our homes, our livelihoods, crops, livestock, and pets; for the times we witnessed others get injured or lose their lives in such events, and for the times we lost touch with loved ones after these incidents, never heard from them again, and never knew what happened; for all we made these happenings mean about ourselves, each other, our community, life, and even You, Higher Power, especially for the heartache and grief  we felt – please help us all to forgive one another and ourselves, and help us forgive You.

Please and thank You.

For all those times we saw such destruction as to not believe our eyes, felt we were pushed to beyond our capacity to rebuild our lives, for times we despaired and felt we just couldn’t go on, and for the times we fell short in being able to help others in their despair and all we took on because of this – please help us to forgive one another and forgive ourselves.

Please and thank You.

Please help us to live in the infinite love in our hearts. Please help us to see each other as You see us. Help us to realize our connection to You and each other as eternally inseparable. Please keep us where Your Light is. Please help us to find strength in Your love, and help us recognize Your love in each other and ourselves – now and forever.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.


Read more about Ancestral Clearing and how it can help you here.

With gratitude to Howard Wills and John Newton for developing and advancing this work.

Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Hurricanes, Fires, and Earthquakes



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