Here is an ancestral clearing prayer for understanding and compassion.
Oh Divine Spirit, Keeper of the Light and Dark, whatever and all that You are, we thank You for so many bountiful blessings You have bestowed upon us and our lineage. We love You; thank You for loving us. We come to You, knowing You are always here in all of Your vastness.
For all of us and all of our ancestors throughout all time, space, dimension, and all realms:
For all the times we felt we needed to be right in our point of view and all that arose because of it in our whole lineage, and for the times others foisted their point of views upon us and all that echoed down through our lineage around this, please help us all to forgive each other and forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For all of the times we felt misunderstood, unseen, or unheard, and for the times we did this to others, knowingly or unknowingly – please help us all to forgive each other, for all of it, fully and completely. Please and thank You.
For all the times we felt our hearts break under the weight of events, actions of others or ourselves, times others failed to act and we felt the negative consequences of that, and for the times we did this to others – please help us all to forgive each other and help us to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For the times we witnessed violence, had violence brought down upon us, or time we projected violence of any kind onto others – please help us all to forgive each other and to forgive ourselves, no matter what. Help us to keep our hearts open and filled with compassion for all beings. Please and thank You.
For all the times we despaired around not being able to live in peace and prosperity in the world, and for all that we made it mean about ourselves, each other, society, life in general – even and especially what we made it mean about You, Divine Spirit – please help us to all forgive each other, no matter what, for all that happened, help us to forgive ourselves, and help us to forgive You, Divine Spirit, for the part we felt You played in any of it. Please and thank You.
Help us to grow beyond fear and hatred into love and compassion for one another and for ourselves, forever and ever. Please and thank You. Please and thank You. Amen.
Read more about Ancestral Clearing and how it can help you here.
With gratitude to Howard Wills and John Newton for their contribution to this work.