Here is an Ancestral Clearing for matters of the heart. May it serve you and your loved ones well.
Creator, Source of All That Is, Infinite One, Divine Mother, Holy Father –
You are known by so many names, and You are One. We thank You for showering us with bountiful blessings. We ask humbly and gratefully for us and all our ancestors and all their relationships throughout all space, time, dimension, realms, timelines, and incarnations:
For any time we lost connection to You, each other, or ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually, or in any other way;
for all we made it mean, any unhealthy conclusions we drew because of it, and for all the let down because of it – we offer up the burdens of these issues or any other related issues to You. Please help us all to forgive and release one another and forgive and release ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For any unhealthy attachments, longing, feelings of neediness,
codependency, obsession, jealousy, or feeling fearful of being abandoned, lost, or forgotten; for any time we repressed emotion for fear of being rejected; for any time we couldn’t believe anyone would want us without wanting something in return, and for any time we held a deep fear of being unloved – we offer up these blocks to love to You. Please help us release these burdens. Please fill us with the love that flows so freely from You to us – may we feel the strength of its current coursing through us.
Please and thank You.
For any time we felt the sting of rejection
and reacted by not allowing others to get too close, armoring our hearts in the process; for all regret; for any time others were unable to receive our love, and for the times we weren’t able to receive love from others; for any time we were taken advantage of, and for any time we took advantage of others; for any time we questioned our self-worth or lost our sense of our worth altogether – we offer these up to You, Creator. Please help us all to forgive one another and forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
Please help us open to your endless field of love,
transcend our fears, experience pleasure fully, and realize our connection with one another and You authentically and without reservation. Please help us live from the depths of compassion in gratitude and forgiveness. Please help us rediscover our sense of pure joy in connection with You and all beings as we continue on the soul’s path of evolution.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
For your private Ancestral Clearing, book here.
With gratitude to Howard Wills and John Newton for their pioneering work in this field.
4 Responses
Thank you so much for thinking of me & sending me these deeply felt prayers 🙏. I was feeling regret over something I did this weekend & now I have shifted out of that feeling. I will be living in a state of forgiveness & gratitude. I will use mindfulness to help stay connected to the Present Moment. Yung Pueblo says judgements & expectations can hurt us. I believe that he is correct. I also know that doing Yoga & meditation are very helpful as well.
Thank you, James for your heartfelt share. You have a powerful tool box and I love your dedication and devotion.
My goodness, the timing of your poem and this ancestral clearing are beyond coincidence. There are times when I’m activated that I find myself ‘on the ledge’ metaphorically-speaking, and this reading has enabled me to feel what I’m feeling and pivot accordingly…using the e-motion of the moment to propel me into greater self awareness and self compassionate. You are a bright light and blessings to many. Thank you for all you do, and how you do it. Blessed Be!
Thank you, Madelaine. I love your use of the word pivot — it is very empowering, showing us that we always have agency to make a change or shift when we need – or want – to. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and for your encouragment and support. So grateful <3