Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Autumn and Change

Here is an ancestral clearing prayer for Autumn and change.

Oh Divine Spirit, Source, Creator of All That Is – all that You are, whatever that is – thank You for the many bountiful blessings You have bestowed upon us and our lineages. We come to You, knowing You are always here with us in all of Your vast and infinite nature.

For all of us and all of our ancestors, throughout all time, space, dimension, and all realms:

For the times of plentiful harvests, when resources were rich, and our larders and bellies were filled, replete, and nourished, and for the times we felt safe and knew the sweetness of peace and love flowing between us, and all of us felt it deeply and indelibly – we thank You.

For the times of flood, drought, fire, pestilence, plague, and times when the fruits of our labor were stolen, destroyed, or rendered useless in any other way – please help us all to forgive anyone involved in this, and help us all to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You. For any time we had a hand of any kind in rendering the fruits of others’ labor useless – please help those we harmed to forgive us and help us to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.

For the times our source of water was fouled or dried up, for the times when our harvest was damaged to the point that we couldn’t store any for the coming winter, for the times of mold infestations in our food supplies, and for the times our harvest was ruined in any other way by anyone or any other force, and all that arose from this in our lineages – please help us all to forgive anyone involved, including any part we thought You played in it, Divine Spirit – please help us all to forgive each other and ourselves. Please forgive us for any time we turned a deaf ear, a blind eye, and our backs to You. Please and thank You.

For the times we took too much from each other or the land, stole, or took without paying respects and expressing our gratitude, and for the times we went to the land or each other for provisions, sustenance or help of any kind and didn’t find it, or wouldn’t give it, for whatever reason, and for all that resulted because of it – please help us all to forgive each other and ourselves. Please and Thank You.

For the times we found ourselves at odds with Mother Nature, especially the animals, for times when the animals took our crops – grains, fruits, nuts, or our grown domestic animals – and left us with nothing, and for the times we did this to them, knowingly or unknowingly – please help us all to forgive and release each other, forgive and release ourselves. Please and thank You. For all of the times the boundaries between us and the animals wasn’t honored and respected; for any hardship suffered or discord felt by the animals as a result of our actions, or by the same felt by us as a result of their actions – please help us to all forgive each other and forgive ourselves. For any time our actions caused crop damage or failure to anyone, and for the times the actions of others caused this to happen to us – please help us to all forgive each other and forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.

For the times when we listened to our elders and any other leaders – political, civic, religious, health care workers, any of them to whom we looked for direction – and were misled, not told the truth, or denied knowledge that we had every right to be given – please help us all to forgive each other and forgive ourselves, no matter what. Please and thank You.

For the times we felt we fell short of fulfilling our potential, of our ability to complete our mission on this earthly plane, and for the times we projected our sense of incompleteness and ‘not enough-ness’ onto others as a result, knowingly or unknowingly – please help us all to forgive each other and forgive ourselves, for all of it, and for once and for all time. Please and thank You.

For the times we were resistant to inevitable change, especially as it pertains to summer’s end, the coming of autumn, for the times we felt deep foreboding about the coming winter, for our times of doubt and worry, and for the times we held any resentments or had any jealousy around what others had as compared to what we had – and all that resonated down into our families, relations, and lineage as a result this – please help us all to forgive each other and forgive ourselves. Please forgive us for any time we doubted Your wisdom and guidance.

Please help us to honor and feel the intimate connection to the earth and all beings: feathered, furred, leaved, petaled, winged, creepy-crawly, scaled, and otherwise. Help us find such joy that we rise and raise our voices with passion for life itself. Help us expand outward and plumb the depths of our very being to push beyond the scope and limitations of the restricted, tamed, and so strongly harnessed nature of humanity’s current culture. Help us feel our blood stirring as we witness the beauty of a morning dew drop glisten on the tall grass, the light of a full summer moon, the vibrant beating of the hummingbird as it drinks in sweet nectar. Help us remember our roots, our beginnings, our wild essential nature. Help us break free of whatever barriers contain us, to feel that we have the space to breathe fully and deeply down into our toes. Help us rise into and express at last the pure potential born within us and just awaiting the springboard of release. Please and thank You.

Please help us to live in the awareness of Your unconditional love and constant guiding hand for us. Help us to grow beyond fear, doubt, worry, and distrust into love and compassion for one another and ourselves, no matter what happened, now and forever.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.


Read more about ancestral clearing and how it can help you here.

With gratitude to Howard Wills and John Newton for their contribution to this work.

Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Autumn, Harvest, and Change

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