What is Ancestral Clearing & How Can It Help You?

We come into this life with the outright markings of our ancestors: eye color, skin color, hair color, and so forth. We come into this life with other ancestral markings, subtler but certainly as profound – those of unresolved issues from the past, like traumas from emotional heart ache, abandonment, and tragedies experienced through war and famine.

Ancestral Clearing helps us clear these burdens from our ancestors, and therefore from us. This modality heals your lineage and your past in this lifetime. Ancestral Clearing allows to you live up to your true potential in this lifetime, rather than reliving the old patterns of your family or from your past. It gives you the opportunity to have the space to feel into and live your own ideas, your own dreams, and your own heart. It allows you to be able to differentiate your own inner voice from the many voices around you, so that you can experience the essence of who you truly are.


You might well ask: “What does a session of Ancestral Clearing look like?” A more apt question is: “What does a session of Ancestral Clearing feel like?” In my experience of not only giving but having and participating in so many of these sessions to date as a client myself, I can say unequivocally that I feel a shift in my energy state as I move through these sessions.

What Is Ancestral Clearing and How Can It Help You


Ask for help

We begin by bringing our willingness to deepen into our own healing and humbly and gratefully asking for help from a Power greater than ourselves. It is not necessary that we believe in a Higher Power for us to get help from such a Power, any more than it is necessary that we believe in gravity for it to act on us. We receive help as long as we ask for it and are open to receiving it. This Power is all around us and deep within us and is always there for us.


Focus on your limitation

The practitioner for the Ancestral Clearing session holds space for the client and also opens themselves to receiving from the Higher Power. The client decides what limitation or block they wish to work on during the session, relates this to the practitioner and opens to their willingness to get help. We have now set the stage for possibility and transformation regarding the block the client wishes to work on.


Stay present and connect

We forego, offer up, and resolve those blocks that we carry. For instance, the wars of the past in our lineage have left a deeper imprint in our DNA. It is stored there as unresolved burden. That imprint is showing up as limitation in our life. We ask for help from the Higher Power to help us resolve this. As we connect to our Higher Power, the impulses from these imprints come from within the body as sensations and bubble up to clear, resolving themselves just by asking for help, peacemaking and forgiveness (offering up), humility and gratitude. It’s both simple and profound.


Let go

There is no need to relive trauma from childhood; you can just resolve, accept, let go, offer up that which no longer serves us. Ask, “What are you feeling right now in your body?” Go below the story of the block or limitation and to the sensation that the nervous system is still carrying around the story and resolve that sensation. The energy of that ‘block’ (story) is locked within the body because it hasn’t been resolved or let go of.

The innate Intelligence within us directs us by releasing energy that the body has stored there as limitation. We humbly put our direct attention on and allow ourselves to meet the sensation that we are feeling in the body, add forgiveness and peacemaking into the mix to facilitate shifting the energy and letting go and resolving the limitation or block that we are working with. We feel the shift and embrace the resolution that we feel as result of the Ancestral Clearing process with gratitude.


Direct experience

I have used words here to describe what essentially is a direct experience. The keys to this process are the willingness to humbly ask for help with a limitation or block, meet the sensations that arise as we put our attention on the block, and then to accept without judgment what comes up within the body as sensation, letting the body resolve those things that we have carried for so long and have now offer up to let go with gratitude. I encourage you to comment below with any questions you might have about the Ancestral Clearing process.



There are so many ways you can benefit from an Ancestral Clearing session. When negative imprints are eliminated from your current life and ancestral lineage, you begin living from a clean canvas of possibility so that you can:

  • Feel comfortable, healthy and thriving in your body
  • Connect to The Infinite in a real and tangible way
  • Realize your soul purpose
  • Enjoy the career and financial success that may have been eluding you
  • Desire only foods that support your health, well-being, and ideal weight
  • Eliminate self-sabotage
  • Enhance your intuition
  • Fully trust your inner guidance
  • Experience fulfilling relationships
  • Make the difference in the world that you’ve always wanted to make

Thousands of people all over the world have experienced remarkable benefits from this powerful modality.