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What Is Yoga-Informed Recovery 2.0 Coaching? - Elizabeth Kipp

What Is Yoga-Informed Recovery 2.0 Coaching?

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In yoga-informed R2.0 recovery coaching, I bring together the transformative practices of yoga and meditation, experiencing the healing nature of natural environments, healthy food and vibrant community to create lasting shifts and stability to your recovery.

What is Recovery 2.0?

Recovery 2.0 is a community of people in recovery who are dedicated to continuing to grow on their life path. Core to R2.0 is using a holistic approach to help those in recovery to heal from addiction and thrive in life. R20 is here to support you through whatever challenge you are facing. R2.0 defines addiction as “any behavior you continue to do despite the fact that it brings negative consequences into your life.” We include all types of addictions – The Big 6 and The 4 Aggravations: drugs, alcohol, relationships (codependency), money, food, technology, resentment, self-doubt, procrastination, and negative thinking. I add a fifth one to the list of aggravations: judgment.

Recovery 2.0 Coaching and Chronic Pain

Those of you who know the suffering of chronic pain also are keenly aware of the pronounced negative thinking obsession it brings. So, you can imagine what an amazing blessing it is to find a path to clearing such negativity and experience the lifting of such weight. To be able to live with clarity and vibrant health is priceless!

How Can Recovery 2.0 Help Transform Your Recovery?

Recovery 2.0’s mission is to educate and inspire. There are many ways for you to engage with the Recovery 2.0 vibrant community and a find fresh approach to your life and your recovery.

What Is Yoga-Informed Recovery 2.0 Coaching?

As some of you know, I, along with 37 other trainees, recently completed the 100-hour training with Recovery 2.0 (R2.0) Yoga-Informed Coach Training with Tommy Rosen in Joshua Tree, CA. I want to tell you about my approach to coaching in recovery, what an R2.0 Yoga-Informed Recovery Coach is, and what this approach brings to the table for you.

My Coaching Philosophy:

The greatest healer in our life lives inside each of us. This is foundational to all the work we do in recovery, no matter what you are recovering from and no matter what path you are taking in your recovery.

My Statement as a Recovery Coach:

Addiction steals our attention away from everything but itself.  We lose track of the body temple, the very place where the mind, body, and spirit merge. To heal from addiction, we must reclaim the body temple. A good recovery coach helps their client refocus their attention so that they can reconnect to and deepen their relationship with themselves, their body temple. With this they can heal and find a feeling of safety and stability in their recovery. An effective recovery coach guides the client as they walk their recovery path. The recovery coach also helps them place the steppingstones strategically along that path setting them up for success.

The Recovery 2.0 Methods –

As an R2.0 Recovery Coach, I combine my life experience with a toolbox of powerful skills targeted to propel clients through transforming their life to maximize their potential to live a thriving life. Remaining a student in my personal and spiritual evolution, I use practice, continuous training in the areas of recovery and yoga, and self-study as my foundation so that I can serve the best I can as a teacher. R2.0 understands that people are different and have different needs at different times. So, the yoga-informed R2.0 coaching methods are tailored to each client’s specific needs. This flexible approach is called Holistic Lifestyle Engineering and consists of the following six elements:

1) Introductions and Agreements:

Here, the structure of the coaching relationship is set out for how the coaching relationship with the client will work. From the beginning, how long each session will be, the way the coach and client will connect, costs of services along with accepted methods of payment, and term of agreement are clearly presented. Confidentiality between coach and client is, of course, paramount.

2) Life Assessment:

As an R2.0 Yoga-Informed Recovery Coach and Yogini, I am in an ongoing self-assessment and remain a student of my life. I cultivate my skills of presence, discernment, intuition, active listening, empathy and compassion. In assessing an R2.0 client, the focus is on determining their stage of recovery and what their current life challenges are physically, mentally and spiritually.

3) Goal Setting:

The basic principle here is that small steps done consistently in strategic areas over time yields results. I help the R2.0 client assess their goals. More importantly, I help clients adjust how they are going about achieving their goals so that they are better set up for succeeding. Often those of us in recovery experience difficulty in focusing on completing tasks or reaching their goals, but it can often be their strategy that needs adjusting, rather than the goal itself. So, along with setting goals, I help the client create a practical strategy and structure to help us achieve those goals.

4) Recovery Template Construction:

Here is where yoga-informed Recovery 2.o Coaching  can help the client to strategize and make a plan to move forward in building a recovery with stability and that is sustainable. General parts of a Recovery 2.0 template include:

  • Recovery path – out of the hundreds of recovery paths, I help the client discover which one suits them best
  • Community
  • Sadhana – a daily spiritual practice
  • Food plan – to help detoxify the body
  • Yoga and Meditation – to help heal the changes in the mind, body, and spirit that addiction brings

5) Accountability and Review:

I provide the R2.0 client with a mutually agreed upon accountability agreement. This helps develop consistency and stability in recovery. We will review how the recovery plan is working and make necessary adjustments to help keep the forward momentum going along the client’s recovery path. The accountability and review process helps keep the client in alignment with their recovery and their goals so that they can leverage their program for maximum effect and success.

6) LAGNIAPPE – A Little Something Extra:

While it is important to hold appropriate boundaries in the coach-client relationship, there are times when I can share a little something extra in the relationship with  a client, such as celebrating a sobriety milestone, or sharing a special practice within my sadhana.

What Is yoga-informed Recovery 2.0 coaching

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