Winter Solstice Ancestral Clearing

Here is a Winter Solstice Ancestral Clearing…

Oh Creator, all and everything that You are, we thank You for all the times we felt

the presence of the warm sun and were nurtured and sustained by it.
We humbly ask You for all of us and our ancestors and all of their relations throughout all space, time, dimensions, fields, and realms –
For the times we felt the sun’s light weakening as the days shortened, and for the alarm we felt from this, and for all that we made it mean about the sun, the power of our community and our leaders, the family, each other, and You, Creator – please help us all forgive each other and ourselves.
Please and thank You.

For all the times of darkness and for the many times we feared that the sun would never return

to lead us back into the light; for the times we fell into doubt of ourselves and the abilities of our community leaders and of ourselves to keep our families and loved ones safe, and when we doubted even You, Creator – please help us all to forgive all of those we doubted, including You and ourselves.
Please and Thank You.

For all the times we had to say goodbye to our loved ones and watch them transition

into the next realm and for how hard it was for us to let go; for all of those times we lost loved ones who disappeared and we never knew why or what happened to them, and all that came about as a result of this; for those times that we departed without so much as a goodbye, whether unintentionally or intentionally, including suicide, and for the shock and sadness that ensued in our families and loved ones – please help us all forgive each other, forgive ourselves, and forgive You, Creator, for any role we thought You played in these events.
Please and Thank You.

For the gift of renewal

and the countless times spring and summer followed winter, no matter how harsh the winter was; for the coming of the rains, no matter how long the sun seemed to bake the waters out of the land; for the coming of the sun, after seemingly endless rains overflowing the land; for the gentle winds that brought fresh air and for the times the crops grew freely and bountifully after years so lean we never thought we would see bounty again –
we thank You, Creator, for all of it.
Please help us to love one another and ourselves.
Now and forever.
Please and thank You.
We love you, Creator, please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
I hope you enjoyed this Winter Solstice Ancestral Clearing.
For a private Ancestral Clearing session, BOOK HERE.
Ancestral Clearing is a complementary energy healing modality pioneered by Howard Wills and further developed and taught by John Newton.
Winter Solstice Ancestral Clearing

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4 Responses

  1. Your timing is impeccable! I have thoroughly exhausted myself recently, and when my tide is at low ebb I am more susceptible to thoughts and feelings that don’t serve anyone’s ‘greatest good’. Thank you for articulating so eloquently the love that is us, surrounds us, permeates and sustains everything. I am restored, on this day, to the coming of light and its subtle, perennial joys.

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