Here is an Ancestral Clearing for doubt.
Creator, Divine, Source, God, Oneness, Great Spirit – You are known by many names, and You are One. We thank You for the bounty You shower on us endlessly. We ask humbly and gratefully for us and all our ancestors throughout all space, realms, time, timelines, lives, lifetimes, and incarnations:
For all the times we felt the sting of doubt keeping us from following our intuition, what we knew in our hearts was the best course of action but were unable to do, and for any time such inaction resulted in suffering of any kind. Please help us forgive anyone involved and help us to forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For any time we wavered, and in that instant, all was lost, for all we made it mean, for all blame, shame or anger turned in against ourselves or projected onto others; for all survivors guilt – please help us all to forgive and release one another and forgive and release ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For any time we experienced a crisis of consciousness, existential doubt, turned our back on You, felt You turned Your back on us, or felt we were unworthy of Your love – please help us all to forgive one another and forgive ourselves.
Please and thank You.
For any time we were gripped by doubt, for all that led up to it from the point of origin, for all that happened because of it, for all we made it mean about ourselves, others, life, or You, Creator, for all limitation and letdown that arose because of it, all inverse burden, and anytime anyone felt the energy of this in the womb – please help us to forgive and release anyone involved directly or indirectly and help us to forgive and release ourselves. Now and forever – for all of it – for once and for all.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
For a private session, please click here.
With gratitude to Howard Wills, who pioneered this process, and John Newton, who developed it.