Enjoy a fascinating panel discussion

facilitated by Reshma Bhojwani and joined by panelists Elizabeth Kipp, Heidi Henyon, Beverly Akhurst, and  Soulara Sevier. They dive deep into how to find freedom through connection in this offering of SacredU, Our Sacred Community.



Elizabeth, a stress management and historical trauma specialist, shares her personal journey of healing from chronic pain, anxiety, panic attacks, and addiction and how she helps others achieve the same healing. Heidi, a trauma-aware transformational coach, brings her expertise in helping people heal from trauma and abuse. Salara, an intuitive advisor and Reiki practitioner, integrates her intuitive gifts to provide guidance and healing. Beverly, the founder of Ocean Breath Yoga, supports people in re-establishing their connection to the rhythms of life. Together, they will discuss how to connect the inner world and outer world to achieve personal freedom. Join us as we explore the interconnectedness of everything, the power of mindset, and practical tools for self-care and healing. Get ready to be inspired and empowered on this transformative episode of the Empowering Women Podcast!

Discover the power of interconnectedness.

Everything is interconnected. The panelists emphasized the beautiful interconnectedness of everything in our lives, from the body and consciousness to the rhythms of nature. Understanding this interconnectedness allows us to tap into our own brilliance and recognize the beauty in all aspects of life.

Mindset Matters

Create your own reality: Our mindset and beliefs shape our thoughts, actions, and, ultimately, our reality. By unlearning societal programming, embracing self-care, and nurturing our inner world, we have the power to create a new mindset that empowers us to live a life of freedom and fulfillment. . Unlearn societal programming, embrace Reiki and find your purpose. Shape your thoughts, beliefs, and actions for a blissful reality.

Tools for transformation

Break free from limitations, control your emotions, and unleash your brilliance. 

Unlock your freedom

Explore the wisdom of experts as they reveal the secrets of living a life of freedom.

Wisdom unleashed

Discover beauty, find true freedom, and live your perfect life.

These are the questions the panelists discuss:

  • How would you define the inner world and the outer world in context of personal freedom?
  • Do you have any personal experiences where you found a strong connection between your inner world and outer world?
  • How are the inner world and the outer worlds connected?
  • Why is it important to work on our inner world?
  • How does our perspective of these two worlds affect our ability to gain freedom in life?


One main focus of the episode is the importance of gaining control over our emotions and thoughts by regulating the nervous system as a starting point for personal freedom.  Throughout the episode, the panelists also discuss the power of unlearning societal programming, recognizing our unique gifts, and utilizing tools like Reiki to break down blockages and find clarity and purpose. The episode highlights how tapping into our inner world and embracing our innate freedom can create a blissful reality of connectedness.

Freedom through Connection

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