We have the choice to heal or rebel. I have a challenge today. I was feeling super grumpy and sore after breaking the bones in my arm at the wrist into multiple pieces on Friday and just feeling sore as all get out and really low on energy. Plumb worn out. The good news was that the breaks don’t require surgery, just time to heal. So I am being called to dig deep into the work again, be present, and allow my body to heal. I am left-handed and injured the left wrist and hand joints. Not able to do much work. Here’s the thing. I could turn away and get mad and blame whoever or whatever for my plight in life – or – I can turn into myself and presence myself to all that is arising. Feel the waves of energy, the pulsing, the throbbing and heat, the pressure both in my arm and in my mind to get a move on. Healing is work that takes its own time. My wanting the healing to go faster, or even be done and over with only serves as a block to the healing itself. Well herein lies the rub, the choice in every moment: do I want to give into the addictive personality that wants what she wants when she wants it – or – will I listen to that part of me that is committed to healing and recovery, however that shows up, whatever it feels like…without judging any of it?
We turn away from the truth at our peril, I believe. When we fail to see what is squarely in front of us, here in this moment, we miss the opening of allowing what the moment offers. We miss the chance to do the work at hand. When we take a pill, or blame someone else, or distract ourselves in some other way from the bare truth of the ‘now’, we dig ourselves down even deeper into our sh**, make even more work for ourselves, and just add to our barriers to healing.
Life is a series of steps into the unknown. The path is not set until we set our next footprint down. And that’s okay. In fact, I wouldn’t have it any other way. How boring it would be to always know exactly what’s ahead. Life – the zest and the juice – is in embracing both the agony and the ecstasy.
#ElizabethsBlog #UnleashYourHealingPower #LivingBeyondChronicPain #ComplementaryHealing #kippinitreal