I’m sitting poised at the edge –
that place where I decide to shrink or grow –
to look away or look deeply into…
I’ve come to that place
that I have deemed too much.
It’s too far
I’ve gone too far
I cannot manipulate the situation
any more or in any way,
make it better
or even just different.
This is the moment.
I can no longer turn away.
I am up against the truth of now,
the most precious moment of all
I am backed up against it,
enveloped in it –
I cannot move forward
or even backward.
This is that sweetest of all moments –
the moment of surrender
to what is.
I am here right now.
I surrender even
and especially to judgment.
I simply am
in this moment –
no more no less.
I finally found the moment of truth.
And here is a surprise –
I did not fall apart
into a million pieces,
or become too much;
I did not die,
except to myself.
I am born once more.
As I exist in the moment
in the sweet acceptance
of what is –
I am free.
#MomentOfTruth #SweetSurrender #ToolsForBetterLiving #kippinitreal