I heard someone say this today and it’s so true. We get addicted to our weakness.
It’s like a viral illness that works its way deep inside the cracks and crevasses of our darkness.
And somehow, we dwell there, allowing ourselves to wallow in it.
We forget the extraordinary, magical, powerful beings that we are.
It is easier to hang out in the familiar self-critical spaces inside us than to push our limits and step courageously into the unknown.
It’s all of us.
It’s like we’ve all caught the same bug.
It comes out in different ways in different people – the shyness of insecurity, or the bullying of insecurity;
the closing down, like when we avert our eyes instead of looking someone in the eye and unabashedly smiling;
the slumped shoulders of ‘it’s never going to be the way I want it to be’ or ‘I’m not “there” yet’ –
yet it is fundamentally the same.
We balk at standing in our power from a place of that confidence of knowing who we truly are.
We forget our connection to the Infinite…
to the whole web of life, from which we cannot escape.
Even if we wanted to.
In This addiction to our weakness, we falter.
Remember you are held in the great web of life, in the Great Mystery.
Release your fears of weakness and rise.
Rise and be accounted for. We are all waiting for you.
We need you to remember your magnificence and your majesty.
We need you to remember and keep remembering.
You are a Divine Spark.
Rise and shine!!!