Here is a blog on unification where I ask where is our commitment?
It’s getting grim out there, folks. It’s been grim. Separation and divisiveness abound in full-on technicolor. It’s exhausting, and I’m not much of a news media consumer. It’s not about the media coverage for me so much as it is the energy it represents. That energy is everywhere. It brings a culprit, a bandit, a villainous gremlin with the power to wreak such havoc, and it seems it is having its way with us. There is much acting out, on fear, on pointing fingers, on further dividing us. Yet we have so much in common. We all want love and connection – so much so that we become unruly and demanding when we are without it for very long.
So, what are the action steps? I certainly hold myself accountable and want to take conscious measures to help bring solutions. Further division just seems to point to sheer chaos and hopelessness. Here goes.
First, I call for doing any action that brings about unity. Let’s gather around our common heritage, starting with our human heritage. Perhaps if we can merge with our common human heritage, we can find healing for the aberrations and injustices we continue to bear around our melting pot heritage. For real this time around.
Next, what does it cost to be kind and generous of spirit? Nothing, of course. And what will it take for us to chart a course in this direction…as an action, as a way of life? It takes a decision, a choice. It’s that simple.
And then to some interior unity… what happens ‘out there’ in the world that triggers a reaction rather than a response in me points directly to a part of me crying out for healing… to my own issues of separation. Perhaps a part of me I have been ignoring for so long, I have all but forgotten it. It’s time to do the inner work. Bring the disparate parts, lost, misunderstood, not heard or seen for years – bring them to the Peace Table within. Establish lines of communication. Tell the truth about how each of these pieces of us that splintered off years ago in unresolved trauma. How each piece is indelible, yet able to transform and heal, given the right hearing, the right airing out. The Peace Table is a venue to resolve such old inner disputes. We heal the inner war raging within each of us, and we experience an inner integration as a result. We become almost unrecognizable to ourselves except that once we regain our inner unification, we recognize that feeling as coming home to ourselves – at long last.
With our inner world so changed, grounded in the steadiness of inner transformation, we then have the ability to turn to the world ‘out there’. Our very being exudes unity. It will be noticed. It will be appreciated. It will be sought after.
But here’s the thing. We have to want this. Really want it. We have to be willing to make this commitment. We have to chase after it as if our hair was on fire and we were running towards a pond.