Ancestral Clearing Prayer for Inner Peace

Here is an Ancestral Clearing for Inner Peace.

Divine Spirit, all that You are, always were, and ever will be, for us and all our ancestors, through all space, time, dimension, and all realms – we thank You for all of the blessings You have given us and for always showering us with Your love unconditionally.

We bow to You in love and gratitude and ask for Your grace to ease and heal us.

Any time anyone turned their anger towards us or we turned our anger towards another

in thought, word, or deed, whether intentionally or unintentionally – please help us all forgive one another without reservation, now and forever.

Please and thank You.

For any time we felt the great shudder of fear under the weight and fierce fire of anger

and for the times we felt the deep, penetrating sadness under all of it, and for the times others acted out against us based on such feelings, and when we did the same to another – please help us to all forgive one another and to forgive ourselves, for all of it.

Please and thank You.

Help us forgive all of our ancestors, relations, and relationships through all time –

for having feelings of anger in the first place and for projecting any kind of violence out into the world in any form whatsoever. Please help us forgive each other completely – no matter what – for any meaning we made about each other, ourselves, the world, life, and You, Divine Spirit, and for anything that arose for us and throughout our entire lineage as a result of these actions.

Please help us to forgive one another, forgive ourselves,

and forgive the world – entirely and utterly, for all of it. Please help us to release any and all burdens that we carry around these events.

Please and thank You.

Divine Spirit, please help us to process and heal from any residue of anger, fear, or sadness remaining within us.

Please allow us to feel the negativity we carry within us in a healthy. Please help us find and know the experience of the calming waters of contentment and inner peace. Please fill us with gratitude for our experiences around all these events so that we can learn their lessons and live in unconditional love for one another, ourselves, and You, Divine Spirit.

Now and forever.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.

Please and thank You.


Read more on Ancestral Clearing and how it can help you here.

For a private Ancestral Clearing session, BOOK HERE.

Ancestral Clearing is an energy modality complementary to all healing modalities pioneered by Howard Wills and further developed and taught by John Newton.



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