Here is an Ancestral Clearing prayer for unity.
Higher Power, God, Great Father, Holy Mother, Divine Spirit, Infinite Light – You are known by many names, and You are One. We thank You for the many blessings You shower upon us and for Your eternal love. We humbly ask for us and our ancestors and relations through all time, space, dimension, realms, lifetimes, and incarnations:
For all the times we felt any sense of separation from You, from each other, or ourselves; for the times we were separated from each other through war, pestilence, starvation, desertion, or isolation of any kind – please help us all forgive each other and help us forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For any time we experienced any scarcity at all – in resources of food, water, land, shelter, and for the times we felt poverty in relationship to the community, to each other, to ourselves, and to You, Higher Power – please help us all to forgive each other and ourselves. Please and thank You.
For the times we felt oppression, were victimized by others, or times we did this to others – please help us all to forgive one another and ourselves. Please and thank You.
For any time we were filled with fear for our loved ones, our community, or our way of life; times we projected our fears onto others; for the times we fell prey to heavy-handed tactics from our family, friends, community members, religious, or governmental authorities, and for the times any of us did this to others, and for the sense of suffering and hopelessness we endured because of it; for the times we did everything we could to right the wrongs we experienced and it wasn’t enough to bring lasting peace – please help us all to forgive one another. Please and thank You.
For the times we felt polarization in society, witnessed abuse, times we abused others, for the times we experienced warfare as a solution to such polarity, and saw brother pitted against brother, sister against sister, for the times we felt the only way to stop the injustices around us was to bring violence because no peaceful solution seemed possible – and for all the angst, heartache and suffering that arose because of these things – please help us all to forgive and release each other and forgive and release ourselves for all that happened, no matter what it was. Please and thank You.
Help us to find everlasting peace, with each other and ourselves. Help us to see each other and ourselves through Your eyes. Please transform all our negativity into Your love and live in unity with one another and You. Help us know Your love, love one another and ourselves, now and forever.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Read more about ancestral clearing and how it can help you here.
For a private Ancestral Clearing Session, BOOK HERE.
Ancestral Clearing is an energy healing modality pioneered by Howard Wills and further developed and taught by John Newton.